Geomorphology of the Area

Geology, topography and landscape of the land

Geologically, the substrate of the area belongs to the Miocene and consists of margaic limestone with the following features: concrete white-yellow to white-grey, enclosing marine fossils, of bivalves, echinoderms, bryozoans, fragments of other invertebrates, as well as the following microfauna: Melobesia, Miliolidae, Rotaliidae, Elphidium, Globigerina, Globorotalia, Lagenidae, Textulariidae, Neoalveolina, Rotalia.

Pedologic features

The terrain of the area is characterized by red soils and gravelly earth, products of decay and erosion of the calcareous substrate. The soil stands on calcareous rocks containing CaCO3, with clay to clay-sandy texture, moderate acidic to slightly alkaline, with pH varying from 5.9 to 7.3. The organic substance is between 4.7% to 9.4%.

Pictures from our collection:

The soil depth varies according to the slope: it is shallow in the south where the slope is steep and the mother substrate is visible. Wherever the slope is mild, on the north and west sides of the area covering 60% of the total land, the soil layer is thick.

Check this map, for a vivid representation of the geology, topography and landscape of the land.