Maps & Transport


The Park is located 5 kilometres northeast of the town of Chania, in the area of Profitis Ilias, near Venizelos Graves, on Michelogianni Street, in the vicinity of the Technical University Campus.

The Park extents to 30 hectares, which are fenced and have been excluded from the construction development of the Institution.


Select one of the available maps below:

 From Chania town to the Park.

 The Park (plan with land use).

 The Park (plan of 3D reconstruction).

Virtual tour

ATTENTION Please! You need a plugin (a special small programme that programmatically expands your browser) in order to be able to interact with this 3D model through your browser. This is a one-time installation.
Please refer to our help page about the virtual 3D VRML file format, if the following link should not work. Then reload the page.

The Park (3D virtual tour).