Maps & Transport

From Chania town to the Park

There is no direct bus line from the town of Chania to the Park (Michelogianni street, Akrotiri). You can use the line "KOYNOYPIDIANA" ("ΚΟΥΝΟΥΠΙΔΙΑΝΑ") or "POLITECHNIO" ("ΠΟΛΥΤΕΧΝΕΙΟ") to the bus station denoted by A on the following map. Also, the line "CHALEPA - ERGATIKES KATIKIES" ("ΧΑΛΕΠΑ - ΕΡΓ. ΚΑΤΟΙΚΙΕΣ") when it passes by the Venizelos graves, denoted by B on the map.

Bigger map?

Click for a new window or right-click and select "save as..." on the link below:

From Chania town to the Park - Bigger map (~70 ΚΒ).

Other maps:

The Park (plan with land use).

The Park (plan of 3D reconstruction).

The Park (3D virtual tour).